I arrived in Iran on the 19th of May......today is the 28th of May.....I have been at work (in Shahab Co factory) everyday. So......what? It's been 10 days? No wonder I am feeling so jaded.....This would be my longest "at-work" streak. Well, I hope that this Friday, I won't be required to work.
But come to think about it, I am dealing with Iranians here. No offense, but one think that I learned about Iranians are that they like to be late.....Ali Reza (the Engr Mgr at Shahab) told a joke over lunch today. It's about the American hell and the Iranian hell. But I don't to post it here.....some people might get offended.....
Most of the time....we have to deal with the local suppliers who always have problems supplying their materials.....from out-of-spec materials to "materials not produced yet".....Well, I guess I'll have to get used to it.....It will be hard....almost impossible....to change a culture....
Asim...our travel desk person, just emailed me my air ticket back to Dubai......can't wait to return home.....but to be honest, I like working with my Iranian colleagues....the usual face during lunch will be Ito san, Khoo, Ali Reza, Kafaee (Planning Mgr) and I. We talk about a lot of things, from religions, family, favorite food to women (hehehe....normal la...org lelaki)....Ito san (a Japanese)...always has something to say about religions.....I guess he's been studying about religions.....Kafaee is very proud of his name Sayyed Reza Kafaee....as it means that he's a distant descendant of the Holy Prophet (through Sayidina Jaafar Abi Talib R.A., the cousin of the Prophet)......Ali Reza Tajgardoun is a bit academical....he's probably the smartest guy in Shahab....he's an ethnic Turk.....Khoo, always making joke about Kafaee.....lunch time would be boring and quiet without him..... Me? I don't talk too much during lunch......I just add a little bit here and there....I'm not much of story-teller or a joker either.....
Well.....5 more days in Tehran.....looking forward to coming back to Dubai.....and to the 13th of June.......