Wednesday, August 01, 2007

11 years and counting.....

I have been here for the past 11 years....only got promoted once....ONCE? yeah, one time...well, twice if job grade revision counts. I came to Sony (1996) as an entry level executive (E4). Then, they abolished the E4 grade and all of us got "promoted" to E3. That happened in 1999 or 2000 if I'm not mistaken. Then, in 2001 I got the long awaited promotion. Could be "rezeki anak".....My wife gave birth to our 2nd child a few day later. Could be because they knew I deserved it. Could be...just to fill up the quotas.....Well....lots of "could be's".

2004 came.....I knew it's coming (the promotion)....but then, the Boss said, I'll give it to her as she will be leading the section....I said...."OK Boss....I don't mind, no problem......"

2005 came.....may be this year.....yeah....Ani the Clerk said...."I keyed in your name and the new RnR for the promotion proposal".....Alright!!!... But then....I got the news....some idiot said that I was completing my Master's degree and upon that, I could be leaving. So, no point giving me the promotion....I don't know who that idiot was....but I hope he'll burn.

2006 came.....well by this time.....I didn't care or long as I have some money at month's end to pay bills and support my family......that'll be ok for me.

2007 came.....I didn't care, I didn't care, I didn't care.........

2008 is coming....may be this is my year......this will be the 7th year since my last promo.....I could get lucky this time....but, it still along way to go.....we'll see.

I don't know how long will I be staying at Sony.....But looking at the current economic situation out there....I think I better look at the positive side of things....yeah....positive-ness, that's the thing that has kept me going all these years. I think the majority of Minang people have this attitude.

It's better to hate your job, than not to have a job at all.

We'll see.

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