Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Ramadhan in Tehran (the Sequel)

Today is the 4th day for me in Tehran....celebrating and observing the holy month of Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. And today is the first time that I have a decent iftaar.....the first day, only water and dates.....the second and third just plain mineral water as I was still not in the hotel by iftaar.

Some of the souvenirs sold at the bazaar

Is that my upstairs neighbor at the Tajrish Bazaar?

One of the alleys in Tajrish Bazaar

Rows of Shisha pots

Coke-flavoured Shisha anyone?

A produce market at the bazaar

On Tuesday, we went to the Tajrish SOEM colleagues were looking for some souvenirs to bring back to Malaysia.....especially Tan because this is the first time for her in Tehran.....We ate at the Ayneh Vanak restaurant (my favourite restaurant, right behind the hotel) that night.....

At the Vanak Star Restaurant...

Inside the Vanak Star Restaurant

The delicious Shrimp Noodles Soup....

On Wednesday, we went back late from work...almost 7pm.....I had my iftaar right in front of the grocery store in Ekbatan...But we went to eat some of the best Asian/Oriental cuisines in Tehran that night at the Vanak Star Asian Restaurant. The menu was shrimp noodle soup, tempura chicken, tofu beef stew and a mixed vege salad.....with chinese tea to wash them down.....

My Iftaar for this evening....Alhamdulillah....

But today, we left early....I bought a loaf of bread, butter and a small bag of potato chips.....this would be my iftaar (along with the dates) and dinner. It's actually nothing compared to what I would have had when at home....It's nothing compared to my wife's cooking....but I'm still full of gratitudes to the All-Mighty Allah for the "rezeki" that has been given to me.....It's one of the things that an international traveller like me would have to expect. At least I'm far better than those poor people from poor countries who sometimes have to fast all year.....Alhamdulillah....thank you Allah for everything....

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