Thursday, December 25, 2014

OFG: Postponed


Well "...Allah is the best Planner..." there goes a verse in the Quran, Aali-Imraan chapter, verse 31. Although we have been planning our Tasik Banding trip since August this year, changing venues a few times, when Allah doesn't will it, it won't happen.

And so, we had a meeting tonight at a Char Kuewtiaw joint in BBB, to discuss about our next plan. Since the weather is not getting any better and all the camps are closed (by the order of the Perbadanan Taman Negeri Perak), we had come to a conclusion that we have to postpone our trip.

Two dates were chosen... one is during the CNY holidays (18~22/02/2015) and the other is during our company stock-counting shutdown (28~31/03/2015). Upon further discussions, we have selected the latter. so, we have 3 more months to go and 3 more months also to continue collecting the funds (RM50.00/month/person).

We had put in 2 options for the next trip... camping or boat-housing. Personally I don't have any preference. Either one would be ok for me, as long as fishing is one of the agenda.

I love the outdoors, although I don't have that much time for the outdoor activities. Camping, fishing and trekking is in my blood, as I grew up in a small kampung in Rembau... You have more chances to appreciate the wonderful world that Allah has blessed you with when you go outdoor. You won't get those chances being a couch potato, will you?

Alrighty then... more updates later...

Wassalam.... baarakAllahu fiikum

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