I call it the People Power.....I just couldn't think of a proper phrase....Now this is what democracy is all about.....If the govt didn't perform....CHANGE!!!!!
Now, Perak, Kedah, Penang and my adopted state Selangor will get a brand new Skipper at the helms....Ir Nazim (Perak), Ustaz Azizan (Kedah), the younger Mr Lim (Penang) and Tan Sri Khalid (Selangor)....Along with the Tuan Guru (Kelantan), we got the leaders from all the important areas....an Engineer, a religious teacher (make that two), a lawyer and an economist....Welcome to the new Malaysia.
The shallow-mindeds might say...it's just 5 states....BN still controls the Feds. What? with less than 2/3 majority? It, obviously, will be hard for the Federal Govt to make any decisions as the 79-strong Opposition members will do everything that they can to ensure that the decisions are not one-sided. They'll be led by DS Wan Azizah....I reckon, as PKR won the most seats for the Oppositions. With DSAI supporting her from the flanks....I think she will be a strong Opposition leader. Hey...she will also be joined by the daughter....YB Nurul Izzah (does have a nice ring to it).
Now at least, when it comes to the PM meeting with the MBs and CMs.....the Tuan Guru will not be left alone.....or this time around the PM will have to invite the four opposition MBs and one CMs.....BIG mistake if he won't.
The BN should have seen it coming......with all the racial outrage.....economic problems.....social problems....increase in crime rates....cronysm.....increase in prices of almost everything......broken promises......I can go on with list but I think I have made my point.
The PM...hehehehe....he will spend countless nights picking his Cabinet list.....he lost Samy, Shahrizat, Aziz Shamsuddin, Koh Tsu Koon, Awang Adek, Zainal Abidin Zin, Palineval, Sothia......to name a few.....Hmmm...I wonder if he will make his beloved SIL a minister....let's say maybe as a Youth and Sport Minister....but where will he put Azalina? OK....let him bare all the troubles.....
The great thing is that when I set my feet back on Malaysian soil......my MB will be somebody I prefer.....and the govt, I support....and I hope the 1st thing they'll do is to do away with the Cukai Pintu.....I have been paying almost RM300/year.....but there's nothing to be proud about....the MPS have done nothing to make paying that sum of money worth me while.
I had a conversation with my Iranian friends.....their so-called election will be next week (on the 14th).....but they said majority will not vote....as a sign of protest. Their's is not like our election.....the candidates have been decided by the Council of Religious Leaders, headed by the Ayatollah (currently Ali Khameini).....They can take in or reject any candidates as they wish.....My friend called it second-hand votes.....and they said, there's no point voting....Even if the candidates win, but suddenly the Council decides that they don't like him, he's off. The same thing happens with the Presidential election.
Hearing that, I was relieved.....I think to myself, how good it is to be a Malaysian....we can decide who to be our leaders every 4-5 years....we have the powers....unlike the Iranians.....I pity them actually.....We, Malaysians have every rights to decide our future....but not them.....they have to contend with what they have right now.....
And Malaysians have done wonderfully.....keep it up.....we want only the good YBs repesenting us...the "Yang Berkhidmat"s not "Yang Berhormat"s.
Well I guess Allah has granted us our prayers.....and what we should do now is be grateful to Allah.....and stand together......
We are not Malays, Chinese or Indians.....we are Malaysians.....set aside our differences and together...we rebuild the nation....Don't worry.....they don't have the 2/3 anymore.....hehehehe......And for those new MBs and CM....don't worry if you don't have the experience....we have that "Otai" in Kelantan who will be absolutely happy to help you.
Last but not least....Thank you to all Malaysians, from the bottom of my heart.....
Salam Takbir from Tehran, Iran.
P/s....The BA almost wrestled Trengganu and Negeri Sembilan......almost....!!!!