Saturday, March 08, 2008

Use your rights, people....use it wisely...

The GE is here...Malaysians will cast their votes to elect the Government for the next 4-5 yrs. It has been more than 50 years that we have the current govt ruling the nation.....My question is....Don't Malaysians think it's time to change?

Development-wise....yeah, we should thank the current govt for it....but, think about it....Doesn't that the responsibilities of a govt elected by the people? It's time we change our paradigm...shift it....and take a look at the other side of everything....

The development that we have right now came not without any side effects. Take a look at our youngsters....they are more "westernized", ruder, more "exposed" (physically, I mean...they way the dress....). Then, with the came a lot of avenues for certain parties to fill up the get richer....

FYI...there are still poor people.....esp in states governed by the ruling party.....
I am not trying to be "anti-govt" or "anti-establishment".... I just want people who are elected, and know their resposibilities to the people that have elected them..... Most importantly....the should know about their responsibilities to ALLAH....they WILL be asked about them in the HEREAFTER..... that has been promised by ALLAH in the HOLY QURAN. And don't forget about the people who cast their votes for these irresponsible elected officials....They will also be asked on how did they use their rights to vote.

In the modern days....of course, there are no more leaders in the molds of the Khulafa' Ar-Rasyidin....or Umar Abdul Aziz, or Harun Al-Rashid, or Salahuddin Al-Ayubi.....but we have the choice....Do we want the people we are just thinking about what's inside their bank accounts or do we want those who will serve us and the nation?

So, come 8th of March, I hope Malaysian people will use the rights to do some changes.....Change is important.....I think Malaysia have one record that can be inducted into the Guiness Book......."The longest ever elected Govt to rule a Democratic Islamic Country"....Well....
I don't want to go deeper into politics....or in that case religious matters.....I want to let the people decide.....I hope what Abe Lincoln said about..."the Govt from the people, by the people, for the people"....will prevail in Malaysia....after the vote counts stop.

Happy voting....

With Lots of Prayers from Tehran, Iran....

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